All plantings are prohibited unless they are specifically permitted under the rules and regulations for the common good of all owners. Planting in ground is prohibited to allow for ongoing maintenance of the grounds
One single leg stand pot (3 feet high) for live or artificial plants placed in line with the monument or marker is allowed. No other type of stand or hanger for plants is allowed.
Plant stands are available for purchase from the Cemetery.
Curbing, fencing, hedging, borders or enclosures of any kind shall be prohibited around any grave(s).
Flowers, regardless of the season are always welcome. Flowers may be removed prior to mowing, or sooner, if in the judgment of the parish cemetery authority, they are faded, wither or become unsightly.
When family members or their designated representatives undertake appropriate grave maintenance, hand-trimming grass around memorials or monuments, weeding, or flower pruning, they are responsible for immediate removal of all rubbish created by them in the execution of their care or maintenance.
American flags are permitted during days immediately before and after Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Flag Day holidays.
Wreaths of non-natural material are permitted from November 1 through February 1.
For safety reasons, glass or ceramics are not allowed.
Shepherd hooks, other structures for hanging plants
Fencing, benches, statues not incorporated into the monument
Garden flags, flames, landscape rocks, wind chimes, birdhouses, bird baths, pinwheels, wind socks, balloons and personal items.
Due to health and safety reasons, food, bottles or cans of any kind are not permitted. Items not permitted will periodically be removed.
Decorations deemed inappropriate, unsafe, withered or unsightly will be removed.
Due to lawn maintenance and possible damages, solar lights and vigil candles are not allowed.
These items are extremely brittle and can break very easily.
The planting of trees and shrubs is not allowed.
Small Christmas trees that fit in a pot and can be placed in a single pole stand are allowed from November 1 through February 1