Share your time and talents with the Fall Festival
The Fall Festival Committee is busy planning a two-day community-wide event the weekend of September 20-21, 2024. The Festival planning team has many opportunities for you to share your time and talents. Check out these Festival committees to see where you’d like to help us:
Sponsorship/Gifts and Silent Auction
Children’s Games
Arts, Crafts and community market
Pancake Breakfast
Charitable Gambling
Community Outreach
Festival Volunteers
Set Up, Clean Up, & Event Operations
Bake Sale & Coffee Shop
Adult Games & Entertainment
Some of these committees will meet soon, while others won’t be active until we get closer to the event. Worried about too many meetings? Don’t! The sub-committees keep the Festival planning on task with only a few “all group” touch-base meetings. Much of the Festival planning and event information is communicated via email so we can keep everyone updated.
Questions? Not sure where to best use your time and talents? Call Kari at 651-332-1070 or email [email protected] with questions or for more information. We have a spot for everyone!