First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation will take place during Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for students in 2nd grade.
Students enrolled in Wednesday evening classes who did not attend CGS last year, but who have been baptized, will be placed in a classroom-style sacramental program during the 6:30-8:00 class period. Families with children who were not baptized as infants, or who are baptized but have not received any formal faith formation instruction, and who have attained the use of reason (age 7 +) should register for the OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation of Children) program. OCIA classes take place on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m., but depending on the age and circumstances of the child registered, another program may be substituted. Please contact Barb Waldorf in the parish office to discuss how we can best help your child.
There will be additional required retreats before the reception of the Sacraments for all students.