The Catholic Services Appeal supports the important work of the archdiocese as they work to:
Help Those in Need
The Church is called to make the love of Jesus tangible in the world today, especially to the poor, the vulnerable and those on the peripheries.
Meals and short-term housing support for the homeless
Food and clothing for those in crisis
Hospital ministry
Prison chaplains
Venezuelan Mission Support
Educate in Faith
As essential component of the Church's ministry is the education of the next generation of disciples, as well as the continuing formation of all its members.
K-8 student scholarships and school support
College outreach programs
Room and board for seminarians
Faith Formation
At the heart of the Church's ministry is facilitating for its members and encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. Central to what it means to be Catholic is the development of a friendship with Jesus through prayer and reflection.
Youth and young adult parish leader training
Multi-cultural parish support
American Sign Language interpreters and pastoral outreach
Respect for Life
Knowing that every human person has God-given dignity
Make checks payable to Catholic Services Appeal and mail it to:
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Catholic Services Appeal PO Box 6588 Saint Paul, MN 55106
Other ways to give
If you would like to leave a gift to the Catholic Services Appeal in your will, or donate stock or securities call Marci Franzen in the Office of Mission Advancement at 651-291-4412 or email [email protected]