Every holy hour we make so pleases the Heart of Jesus that it will be recorded in Heaven and retold for all eternity. It opens up the floodgates of God’s merciful Love upon the world. Nowhere on earth are we more welcomed or loved than by Jesus in Eucharist. When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you. When you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now. This is why we need Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in every Parish throughout the entire World. -- St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The Church of St. Peter is blessed with a Perpetual Adoration program and chapel. Our chapel is located next to Fellowship Hall and is open weekly from noon on Sunday through midnight on Saturday. The chapel is accessible from the Margaret Street entrance.
The chapel is a lovely, quiet place to spend time with Jesus. While in the chapel, there is an assortment of Bibles, holy cards, books and rosaries for your use.
We encourage you to visit and consider joining this ministry as a regular scheduled or substitute adorer.
“Thank You Most Gracious Lord for the gift of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at the Church of St. Peter. Bless those who give so freely of their time, especially those who sacrifice their sleep to keep vigil with You during the early morning hours. Hear the pleas of all the needy, bless and comfort them and their loved ones. Increase vocations and guide us all to the path you have chosen for us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit may others be inspired to experience the peace and rich blessings that are derived from being in Your presence.”
Contact Coordinators
Krysten Fulcher at 651-245-7936
Mary Sauer at 651-246-5748